"Before you, Bella, my life was like a moonless night. Very dark, but there were stars, points of light and reason. ...And then you shot across my sky like a meteor. Suddenly everything was on fire; there was brilliancy, there was beauty. When you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizon, everything went black. Nothing had changed, but my eyes were blinded by the light. I couldn’t see the stars anymore. And there was no more reason, for anything."

~ Edward Cullen

Monday, April 26, 2010

What are you reading? (9)

It's Monday! What are you reading this week? is a weekly event now hosted by One Persons Journey Through a World Of Books. It's helpful way to take a look at what you have read and what you want to read!

This was a wonderful week for me. I only had a three day work week, and spent Thursday with my mom in Berlin, Ohio which is home to a large Amish population. We went to towns of little craft shops, antique stores, and at lunch at an adorable little cafe. I got some cute little frog statues for my back porch, and a few beautiful pieces of pottery. It was a great day. When I got home later that evening, hubby and I headed outside and got our new flower bed cut, and all the new bushes planted.

Friday we were up with the sun, and hard at work. My the end of the day (about 9:30 at night...lol), we had spread five yards of mulch, weeded all the flower beds, put out the lawn decorations, finished boxing in the garden, halled dirt to the back to finish off the new shed, and spread the compost all through the garden. We were beat, but the back yard looks amazing (I'll be taking some pictures for on here as soon as the rain stops) and we only have about another yard of mulch to spread out front and then all of our lawn work will be done for the summer, except for maintaince.

All this business didn't leave me a ton of time for reading, but I did manage to finish two books, and I'm almost done with two more.

This week I finished:

I'm also over half way done with Tangled by Carolyn Mackler and Touch by Francine Prose. I'm loving Tangled. I started it today and read over half the book in about an hour and a half. If we would not have had to leave for a birthday party, I probably never would have moved from the chair and read start through. I've been struggling with Touch all week. It's a good story, and I like the characters, but it's moving at a slow pace and not holding my attention like I would like it too.

Here's what's up this week:

  • Finish Tangled and Touch
  • Snap: Carol Snow - repeat from last week
  • Ghostgirl: Tonya Hurley - This book looks so cute. The cover is really cool, and the pages are embossed with silver with flowers and illustrations. I"m really looking forward to reading it.
  • Intertwined: Gena Showalter - This book is due back to the library and can't be renewed because of a hold, plus I've read some of Showalters books aimed towards adults and rather enjoyed them.
  • Ice: Sarah Beth Durst - This book is way out of my element, but after how much I loved Rampant, I decided to give something different a try and see how I liked it.

We're supposed to have beautiful weather this week, so I'm hoping to walk in the evenings and head to the gym at least three days next week. Plus, the nicer it is, the more time I have to sit out back and read!


Lydia said...

Sitting out in the sunshine and reading is fantastic - hoping to do some of that myself this week.

Here is my Monday: http://thelostentwife.net/2010/04/25/its-monday-what-are-you-reading-18/

Zia said...

Rules of Attraction looks great. Happy reading this week.

Deb said...

Rules of Attraction does look great. I am hoping for sunshine and my deck at some point this week as well.

My Monday will post at midnight. Have a great week.

Becky (Aidanvale book reviews) said...

Wow, that sounds like a really relaxing weekend. I hope that you enjoyed yourself and you have a good week

Jan von Harz said...

I think whatever reading we get done in a week is fantastic. Rules of Attraction sounds so great and I entered your giveaway, which is way cool Thanks. Have a great week.

Kathy Martin said...

A lot of the books on your "to read" list are also on my TBR stack. I'll be eager to hear what you think of them. Happy reading!

Unknown said...

I seem to get more reading done when it's nice and I can sit outside. It's supposed to get nicer here this week too.

Have a great week :)

Lynne's Book Reviews

Unknown said...

I really really like Ghost Girl and I hope you like it as much as I did. The third one is coming out soon which makes me super happy.

Anonymous said...

You painted a beautiful picture for relaxing and reading in the sun. :) I love it when it gets warm enough to read on the porch - especially when it's a great book that you don't want to put down! Have a relaxing week!

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