Hello Everyone! Just a little about me! My name's Emily and I'm a 29 (soon to be 30) year old medical biller from the great state of Ohio. It's just me and my hubby and our adorable six month old son Anthony. I'm also mommy to a Great Dane named Gidget and a Doberman named Sampson.
I love reading, and can't get enough of it. However, since the birth of my son, my reading has slowed down quite a bit. I still try to get a few pages read every night though!!
I love YA literature, especially vampire fiction. I've recently been dappling in a little bit of mermaid fiction, dystopian, and fantasy. I also have my first Steampunk novel. I'm pretty excited about it!
A few years ago, I was bored at work and started snooping around on Google, searching for different books and trying to see if there were any reviews out there. All of a sudden I found myself on a blog, something that I had never even heard of. And from that blog, I found others. I couldn't believe it...there were other readers out there that wanted to talk about what they were reading. They were excited about reading and they wanted to share all that they could. I was in book heaven!
I started following a few different blogs, and pretty soon had the urge to start one of my own. A Few Good Books started out slow, and I've occasionally taken a break from it here or there due to life and other things, but I always find myself returning to it. I love reading, and I love sharing my thoughts with other readers. I don't have a lot of friends who read, so my blog is somewhere that I can turn to when I just need to be immersed in books. Plus, blogging has introduced me to so many new books and my TBR pile has grown triple fold!!
So that's a little about me and the blog. Hope you enjoy!!
The Buisiness Trip by Jessie Garcia
19 hours ago