It's Monday! What are you reading this week? is a weekly event now hosted by One Persons Journey Through a World Of Books. It's helpful way to take a look at what you have read and what you want to read!
It's been a really busy week for me and I'm slowly working my way out of my reading slump. I'm looking forward to a successful week of reading ahead. Work is slowing down because everyone is back from vacation tomorrow and with the time change, it'll stay lighter in the evenings so I won't feel like going to bed at eight! Also, I'm hoping to go back to the gym and start working out again. I was really lazy this winter and need to get back moving. That's another hour a day where I can go ahead and read and relax (well not really relax...larger people like myself tend to turn bright red and pant but heck that can be relaxing...right???)!
I finished three books this past week, all of which I quite enjoyed:
- Cooking Up Murder - Miranda Bliss
- The Darkest Night - Gena Showalter
- Aunt Dimity's Death - Nancy Atherton (review coming soon)
All three of these were the start to series, and one was really out of my comfort zone but I really enjoyed it. For next week, I'm going to keep four books from last week and add a few more. I know I won't get to all of these, but I like to have some variety to choose from. It keeps me from getting bored with my selections!
Here's what's up this week:
- Jane and the Unpleasantness at Scargrave Manor - Stephanie Barron: pick from last week
- Night Pleasures - Sherrilyn Kenyon: pick from last week
- The Rest Falls Away - Colleen Gleason: pick from last week
- Bitten - Kelley Armstrong: pick from last week
- Murder on the Menu - Miranda Bliss: The second in the Cooking Class Mystery series. I'm anxious to see where Bliss takes Annie and Jim's relationship and what kind of trouble the girls get themselves into this time!
- The Darkest Kiss - Gena Showalter: Really excited about reading this! I can't wait to read Lucien's story. I should have read these books a long time ago!
- A Hunger Like No Other - Kresley Cole: I've heard good things about this series. Has anyone read this or the others in this series? I thought I'd give it a try since I enjoyed The Darkest Night.
- Aunt Dimity and the Duke - Nancy Atherton: This is such a cute series and I really enjoyed the first one. Aunt Dimity is so cute. However, I've heard this one is a bit different then the others in the series so I'll have to see.
So that's it for me this coming week. I'm buckling down and reading my entire lunch hour this week and making sure I get in a least an hour on the tread mill every day. That should put a dent in this TBR pile, shouldn't it?
Hope everyone has a happy reading week! Can't wait to see what you'll be reading this week!