It's Monday! What are you reading this week? is a weekly event now hosted by One Persons Journey Through a World Of Books. It's helpful way to take a look at what you have read and what you want to read!
What a great week it's been. I had a three day weekend which was wonderful, and it was my birthday yesterday. The big 29! Hubby and I went to an early dinner and then saw Red with Bruce Wilson and Helen Mirren. It was a pretty good evening and it was nice getting out and doing something just the two of us :) Today, we went to my mom and dad's and I helped pass out candy for trick or trick and then my mom had made a huge dinner. Plus, she surprised me with the best gift ever. When I was little, my dad had made my brother and I wooden giraffes for our rooms. You could hang clothes on them and they were also a little bench. When I was about 14 years old, he gave mine to his uncle to use for a pattern. Since then, his uncle passed away and there's been a lot of strife within the family. My dad did not feel comfortable calling his aunt to ask for the giraffe and told me he'd make a new one for the baby. I was upset because I really wanted him to have the one I had growing up. My mom being the most wonderful mother in the world, called and spoke to my dad's aunt and was able to go and pick up the giraffe. She did this about a month ago and has had it hid in their basement since then. I wanted to cry when I opened the door and saw it there. There was nothing that could have made me more happy or made me mom love her even more for being such a kind and loving person. She's the best :)
This was a great week for me reading wise. I discovered audio last week, and used it to its full advantage this past week. I listened to Twisted by Laurie Halse Anderson (you can see that review HERE) and The Replacement by Brenna Yovanoff (that review is HERE). I also finished the most wonderful book ever: The Thorn Birds. I can't say enough good things about it and I'm so glad I took the time to read it. That review is HERE.
Winter is setting in so I tend to do more reading in the evenings, so I'm hoping for another good reading week. Here's what I have coming up:
Love You Hate You Miss You Audio by Elizabeth Scott
Something Like Fate Audio by Susane Colasanti
The Alchemist's Daughter by Katharine McMahon
Second Honeymoon by Joanne Trollope
That's my week. What do you have planned?

Happy belated Birthday! Your books last week and this week look rather interesting. I look forward to your reviews. My Monday: http://www.rundpinne.com/2010/10/its-monday-what-are-you-reading-111.html
First of all SSSQQUUUEEEE to your birthday - then SSSSQQUUUEEEEE to audio! I hope you just love it!
Awesome story about your giraffe. I am glad you got it back.
Hi! Good reads on your list! I am new to your blog and a new follower:) I love the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, I wish I had known about the Expectant Mother when I was expecting though. I think that will be a 'pick up' when I go to the book store this week:) Great list of books!
BTW- Happy Belated Birthday!
You had a great week on several levels. Happy belated birthday.
I loved the audio of The Replacement. Looks like you have a great week planned.
Happy belated birthday! Great list of books by the way!
I am reading Trophy Bride
That was really nice of your mom. :) It's nice to have things from your youth to pass along to your own children. Sounds like you had a great weekend and have some great reads to boot!
Happy happy belated birthday! Yay!
I absolutely LOVED Something Like Fate! Susane Colasanti is THE BEST! Enjoy!
Here's what I'm reading this week!
I like Joanna Trollope but haven't read this one yet. I'll have to look for it. Thanks for the idea.
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