It's Monday! What are you reading this week? is a weekly event now hosted by One Persons Journey Through a World Of Books. It's helpful way to take a look at what you have read and what you want to read!
Reading wise, I only finished one book this week; however, productive wise this week was phenomenal. I managed to clean out the front bedroom and get it re-arranged. This included cleaning out the closet, moving around two bookcases, an oversized chair and making room for the computer and desk. However, when I went to move the computer desk from the back office, it decided to completely collaspe on me. I wasn't surpised. Hubby and I knew when it bought it five years ago it probably wouldn't survive much of a move. I ended up going to Target (love that store) and getting a smaller Mission style desk that actually fits much better in the front room and is the perfect size for the computer.
All I have left to do in the nursery is to take down the day bed and clean out the closet. I'm going to take care of the bed tomorrow, and just clean up in there. The sweeper needs run and I'll finally have a central location for all the baby stuff that's been taking up the other rooms in the house. I'll tackle the closet next weekend and then we'll be ready to paint...finally. I feel like a huge burdeon has been lifted from my shoulders!
Now back to the books. This week I read one book:
- A Bend in the Road - Nicholas Sparks: I wasn't too thrilled with it, and it is probably one of my least favorite Sparks' books
This week I'm looking to finishing To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. I was inspired by Sheila's review to pick this classic up and give it a try and I'm really sad I waited this long to read it. It truly is an amazing, amazing book. I look forward to finishing it and reviewing it for everyone. Plus, it give me an excuse to watch the movie (again...lol).
I also picked up We Need to Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver after reading such amazing reviews of it all over the blogosphere. I'm really looking forward to this one, and can already tell it will definitely be a powerful read that will stick with me for a long time.
Other than those two, I pulled Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert and Message in a Bottle by Nicholas Sparks. We'll see if I'm able to get to these two. I'm hoping now that some of the re-arranging stress is gone I might be able to read more!!
You have indeed been busy! Enjoy To Kill A Mockingbird, it is brilliant. Have a lovely week. My Monday can be read here: http://www.rundpinne.com/2010/09/its-monday-what-are-you-reading-labor-day-edition.html
Glad to hear you had such a productive week! I read To Kill A Mockingbird in high school, but I feel I need to read it again at some point.
A busy week can be a good thing - happy reading! :D
I really loved Mockingbird when I read it in high school, and I nearly picked it up off the shelf today! I'm going to reread it soon :)
Have a great week! Mine is here:
Okay...I am definitely going to have to read my son's copy of T Kill a Mockingbird. Everyone is talking about it. :)
I read TKAM for the first time this year also. I also want to read We need to talk about Kevin.
I love Target also.
Have a great week.
My Post
I need to do that kind of cleaning! Message in the Bottle was a book I threw across the room, I was so mad. Looking forward to your thoughts.
I have to organize my books and assemble another bookcase this week. The books are taking over! ;)
From the Shadows
We need to talk about Kevin is way high up on my wishlist too. I'll be looking for your review! Have a great week, and glad that you got a lot of work done this past week!
I am so glad you are reading To Kill A MOckingbird. I thought my review was terrible, I felt I fumbled over the description.... for a book so good I didn't do it justice, yet - you are going to read it! YAY!!!
Also We Need to Talk about Kevin is another fantastic read - I hope you enjoy them both!
I just finished Eat, Pray, Love, it's one of those books that really seems to divide opinions, but I mostly liked it :) Hope you have a great week!
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