Here's my loot for the week:
Crank - Ellen Hopkins --- Really looking forward to this one. It's written through poem, but I really liked Because I Am Furniture so wanted to give this a try.
Glass - Ellen Hopkins --- The sequel to Crank
Beautiful Americans - Lucy Silag --- I've been eyeing this one for months at Borders, but didn't want to spend the money. The sequel just came out so I want to get caught up!
Love You Hate You Miss You - Elizabeth Scott --- Really enjoyed Something, Maybe so I wanted to look into some other things by this author!
Waiting for You - Susane Colasanti --- I thought the cover was this was really cute so I grabbed it. I'm looking forward to reading this author.
The Adoration of Jenna Fox - Mary E Pearson --- I saw a book commerical for this one and had to grab it!
Liar - Justine Larbarlestier --- This one has been mentioned on a lot of different blogs and I've heard really positive things about it.
If I Stay - Gayle Forman --- I've read great reviews for this one!
Twenty Boy Summer - Sarah Ockler --- Super excited about this particular book!!
The Season - Sarah Maclean --- I'm not sure if this will be too romancy for me but I thought I'd at least give it a shot.
Perfect You - Elizabeth Scott --- Again I really loved this author and I wanted to read more!
Intertwinded - Gena Showalter --- Love the cover and I lovew Gena Showalter's adult novels
The Chosen One - Carol Lynch Williams --- I'm a big fan of the HBO show Big Love, and this book reminded me of that show.
Cycler - Lauren Mclaughlin --- One of the most original ideas for a YA novel that I've read about in a long time.
Distant Waves - Suzanne Weyn --- I loved the movie Titanic, so I thought I'd try the book
Ok...that's a lot of books! I have more too pick up too! I'm going to wait until after the holidays, though to grab them.
Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!!