Hello Everyone!! I know I've been gone for a long long time, but hopefully I'm back for good. This past year was a rough one, and I needed some time to collect myself.
In April, I suffered a miscarriage which was completely devestating. We have such a hard time getting pregnant, and then to be so close was heartbreaking. I pushed myself into different things to distract myself and found myself constantly working in the garden, spray painting stuff for the house, and cleaning. I even got the basement cleaned and finally put together and now we have a family room and play room down there. It was pretty productive summer.
In August, I again miscarried. This was the second of the year, and my third overall, and I was beginning to think we'd never be able to have anymore children. Then, surprise, I found out in October I was pregnant again, and I'm due June 8th. I went to the Dr. on Friday and everything is looking great, and besides some horrendous morning sickness, this has been a pretty low key pregnancy. I'm currently 16 weeks and holding strong! We're thrilled, and I am so looking forward to giving Anthony a little brother or sister. We find out February 1st what we're having, but in all honesty, all I want is a healthy little baby. I'd be just as happy with a little boy, as I would a little girl.
I'm really looking forward to getting back to reviewing what I've read, and tracking all my reading adventures. I've missed the blogging world, but I'm also glad I took the break. With everything else, it just wasn't fun anymore and I felt like it was something I "had" to do rather than something I wanted to do.
I'm going to sign up for some reading challenges this year, probably way too many, and enjoy some reading this year!!
The Buisiness Trip by Jessie Garcia
1 day ago