It's Monday! What are you reading this week? is a weekly event now hosted by One Persons Journey Through a World Of Books. It's helpful way to take a look at what you have read and what you want to read!
I am so excited to say that I actually read TWO books this weekend! After almost four months of not really picking up anything, this was quite an accomplishment for me. Plus I've already put up both reviews and picked out another few books I'm hoping to focus on this week!
As for the rest of life, the office is still an office. Hubby and I just can't seem to find the time to move out the desk and bookcase and take down the day bed. Plus, I have to move two other bookcases in the "library" to make room for this one. It's definitely a weekend project and we just haven't found a weekend to get it done! I'm hoping once the weather cools a bit and stuff outside slows done we'll be a bit more motivated to tear the house apart. Once everything is moved out hubby can get the paint done, and we can get the baby furniture out of the other rooms in the house.
Other than that, life has been pretty easy going. Mostly work and family. This weekend was beautiful and I found myself canning peppers for the first time. Hubby and I did it together and we're quite excited with the turn out. I used my grandpa's recipe so I'm hoping the are just as yummy as I remember. All the peppers were fresh from our garden and I'm pretty proud of all we accomplished!
Now back to the books. This week I read:
- The Last Song - Nicholas Sparks: Amazing read, and amazing movie!
- The Choice - Nicholas Sparks: Powerful and heartbreaking read
I'm definitely on a Sparks kick and I'm going to continue to read a bit of his back list this coming week. There's six books of his that I have yet to read:
- The Wedding
- True Believer
- At First Sight
- The Rescue
- Message in a Bottle
- A Bend in the Road
I'm hoping to read another two of these this coming week!