It's Monday! What are you reading this week? is a weekly event now hosted by One Persons Journey Through a World Of Books. It's helpful way to take a look at what you have read and what you want to read!
I can't believe its been a week already. Time is flying by for me. I have two more weeks before I head back to work, and I'm certainly not looking forward to it. On one hand, I miss the girls I work with and the pace of it all, but on the other hand, the thought of leaving Anthony for eight hours a day makes me a bit sick to my stomach. However, I'm sure I'll be fine. I know he'll be fine...he'll be with Grandma all day.
I'm excited to say that I actually got to read a book this week. I finally have it down where I can sit and relax a bit each night after Anthony takes his final bottle and goes to bed. He's sleeping almost six hours at a time now, so it makes it much easier to stay up a bit longer after he's asleep. When he was only sleeping about 2.5 hours, you better know that I was in bed as soon as he was so I could get a bit of sleep before he was up again!!
This week I finished and reviewed Breath, Eyes, Memory by Edwidge Danticat. It was an absolutely beautiful and amazing read. You can find my review for it HERE.
For this coming week, I have two books picked out that I'd like to read. I'm being ambitious this week and setting my goals a bit higher.
This week I'd like to read:
If I Stay - Gayle Forman (link to goodreads)
I've heard wonderful things about this book, plus the sequel comes out in April and I'd like to be ready to read it once it's released. It'd be nice to be a bit caught up with something!!
What I Saw and How I Lied by Judy Blundell (link to goodreads)
This one has been on my shelf for a while, and the cover intrigues me. I'm curious to see what the secrets are that lie between the pages.
And of course this post wouldn't be complete without a new pic of my little bug :)